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staple food industry
2741 2017-08-11

In recent years, the staple food processing industry in China is developing rapidly, and is moving towards standardization, scale, automation and specialization. Not long ago, the first national food processing industry science and technology innovation alliance announced the establishment, to promote the development of food industry in China, especially the staple food processing industry is of great significance. At that time, the food machinery enterprises need to integrate innovation on the basis of introduction, digestion and absorption, and develop technology and equipment suitable for the characteristics of staple food processing in our country to help them develop. 

The potential of our country's staple food industry is enormous

Recently, key words such as " staple food, nutrition, strategy, standardization and scientific research" were continuously mentioned in the general assembly and the main food processing technology exchange, sponsored by the institute of agricultural products processing of the Chinese academy of agricultural sciences, the government of Harbin in Heilongjiang province, the government of Mulan county and the food processing technology research institute ( Harbin ), co - sponsored by the food processing technology research institute ( Harbin ). At this point, the first state-level staple food processing industry science and technology innovation alliance announced the establishment, marking our country staple food processing industry is towards standardization, scale, automation, specialization in the direction of rapid progress, continue to expand the current size of the staple food processing enterprises above the main business income of more than $ 200bn. According to the industry forecast, the staple food industry has broad prospects and huge potential, there are more than 10 trillion market in the future, and there are more than 70 trillion market in the world. 

Academician settles down to accelerate the industry layout

On the day before the establishment of the science and technology innovation alliance of the staple food processing industry, Mulan county, 150 kilometers away from Harbin city, Heilongjiang province, was inaugurated at the institute of food processing technology research institute of agricultural products processing institute of the Chinese academy of agricultural sciences ( Harbin ). The academician of Chinese academy of engineering, Zhu Bei osmund, officially settled in Mulan county on the black soil. " the establishment of workstation not only marked a big step in the introduction of talent, especially high-level talents in Harbin, but also marked the development of the food industry in Harbin into a new stage of rapid development, which will effectively promote the development and utilization of the resources of agriculture and forestry animal husbandry and fishery in Harbin. " the deputy mayor of Harbin, Wang Zhang wanping, expressed his relief at the opening ceremony of the workstation. 

Mulan county is located between 45 - 46 degrees north latitude, located in the northeast black soil region of Songliao basin, loose fertile cold black soil, resulting in rice, corn, soybean, coarse cereals, vegetables and other crops good quality. Mulan county has c*ted land of 186 million mu, annual grain output of 81 million tons. Of which rice is 103 thousand mu, 80 % is surface water irrigation, the state certified green food raw material rice production base 600,000 mu. With the continuous improvement of agricultural infrastructure and the development of new agricultural main body, Mulan's modern agricultural development foundation continued to consolidate. Existing rice primary processing scale of 10 enterprises, characteristic corn deep processing enterprise 1. It is because of these unique resource advantages of " phoenix tree ", finally attracted the academician" golden phoenix. ". Compared to the mayor of Harbin, Mulan's local county government was overjoyed. Li Zhang guowen, the county party secretary of Mulan county, said that the listing of academician workstation would help Mulan to implement the development strategy of staple food processing industry, integrate local agricultural resources and prolong industrial chain, c*te more, better and more promising super - billion food enterprises, promote the transformation of local traditional food industry to green, organic and high added value, become known as " cold black soil" food brand, build an important food industry base of the country, and accelerate the process of the famous green food processing enterprises at home and abroad to Harbin. 

The food industry is no stranger to the academician of the Chinese academy of engineering. she is the dean and doctoral supervisor of the Dalian polytechnic university biology and food engineering college of Liaoning province. for many years, she has been engaged in food science and processing, major research and application research of agricultural and aquatic products, this settling in Mulan will be of great significance to the combination of her academic research and the practice of food industry. 

Xu Dai Xiaofeng, director of the agricultural products processing institute of the Chinese academy of agricultural sciences, stressed that the academician workstation of Zhu Bei, research institute of staple food processing technology, was the first and the first in the field of industrialization of staple food, which marked the transformation of Heilongjiang province from agricultural production and grain production to large-scale processing of agricultural products, strong food industry and large economy. 

Alliance to promote the development of industry - university - research enterprises

" the national food processing industry, science and technology innovation alliance will implement the national staple food processing industry, nutrition and health strategy, to promote the well-being of the people as a starting point, foothold, integrate the resources of the parties, increase industrial cooperation, promote industry exchanges and cooperation, carry out joint research, promote the development of cooperative symbiotic and collaborative development of staple food processing industry system, promote the agricultural supply-side structural reform, agricultural transformation value and farmers' income, improve the level of residents' nutrition and health. " Wang Li Zengjie, director of agricultural products processing bureau of the Ministry of agriculture, believes that the alliance should firmly establish a sense of service, in accordance with the organizational principles of" unity of purpose, voluntary equality, division of labor, complementarity of advantages, balance of responsibilities and win-win cooperation ", adapt to the objective requirements of modern agricultural development and the development of agricultural products processing and staple food processing, and conduct research, research and consultation on the structure and layout of staple food processing industry, new technology, new equipment and new products, development policies and strategies, and serve the development of staple food processing industry. 

It is understood that the establishment of the institute of agricultural processing technology research institute of agricultural products processing institute of the Chinese academy of agricultural sciences in Mulan county is a new scientific and technological research and development institution established by the agricultural products processing institute and the people's government of Mulan county. In the past two years, the company built one of the national innovation teams and 37 innovative research talents. it has declared more than 40 patents in the industrial processing of staple foods in northeast China, the industrialization of prefabrication dishes and so on. it has obtained more than 20 authorizations and made a breakthrough in the research and development of food processing technology and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. The establishment of academician Wu Zhu Bei's workstation provides a solid guarantee for the research institute to coagulate the first-class talents, create the leading innovation team, and provide a solid guarantee for the great-leap-forward development, which is of great significance for promoting the development of Heilongjiang food economy and revitalizing the northeast economy. 

In the view of Wang Dai Xiaofeng, director - general of the newly elected union and director of the institute of agricultural products processing of Chinese academy of agricultural sciences, science and technology innovation is a powerful driving force for the development of economic transformation. high - end talents are the basis for the implementation of technological innovation and the most important resource for wealth creation. Zhu Bei academician workstation expert team settled in Heilongjiang, strengthened the high-end talent team in Heilongjiang province, expanded its food research and development resources, laid a solid foundation for the future development of food industry. 

It is at the right time for the development of staple food industry

In recent years, the staple food processing industry in China has developed rapidly, and is moving towards standardization, scale, automation and specialization. The famous enterprises and famous brand products are constantly emerging, the production capacity and scale of enterprises continue to improve, the output value of enterprises above scale is growing rapidly. At present, the major food processing enterprises above the main business income of more than 200 million yuan. At the same time, the profitability of enterprises continues to enhance, annual profit margin growth of 10 percentage points, industrial advantage cluster development has been a prototype. In this background, the establishment of the national staple food alliance is an important node of the rapid development of staple processing industry. 

Although the development of Chinese staple food processing industry is good, but its standardization, standardization, modernization level is low. Industrialized food only reaches 15 % - 20 %, most of the processing, supply of small workshops, small vendors. Many staple food products standards and technical regulations are lack of serious, technology, technology, equipment research and development lag, hindered the development of industrial health. At present, the proportion of grain staple food processing in the staple food processing industry is large, and the proportion of various kinds of processed products, especially the ready-to-eat ready-made food products, is very low. And the staple food products are more common products, medium and high-grade products less. These problems need to be solved through the cooperation of the industry, university and research institute. 

Industry will closely focus on the strategic needs of the national nutrition and health strategy, build a platform for technology development and transformation, tackle bottlenecks in industrial development, create information sharing mechanisms, provide technical guidance, transformation, industrial incubation, strategic consulting and other conditions for alliance members, and organize union units to work together on traditional processing of staple food processing, processing raw materials screening, quality evaluation, processing technology research and development, equipment creation, quality and safety control, standard revision, market sales and brand building, leading to the national staple processing technology exchange and training activities, to accelerate the transformation and application of technology achievements, and to help enterprises c*te domestic staple foods 

Zhang Hong, secretary - general of staple food processing Federation, said that the alliance was closely focused on the needs of the national nutrition and health strategy, based on the development of industry and market demand, based on the common interests of the parties, the integration of the resources, the integration of the resources, the promotion of industry exchanges and cooperation, the establishment of cooperative and cooperative development system, the complementary advantages, mutual benefits, promote the steady development of China's staple food processing industry, deepen the industry integration, promote the level of nutrition and health of our residents, promote the reform of agricultural supply side, speed up the adjustment of the structure, promote the increase of farmers' income and agricultural efficiency. 

Experts say that the staple food processing industry is the main body of the food processing industry in China, the development of staple food processing, for the protection of national food security, industrial and economic transformation and upgrading, heritage of national food and culture is of great significance. The academician workstation will grasp the main line of science and technology innovation, base on the unique advantages of " big food resources" such as Heilongjiang province high quality grain and livestock, grasp the major national strategy such as " northeast revitalization" " the belt and road initiative ", sino - Mongolian economic corridor, Ha urban agglomeration construction, etc., and carry out research on modern staple food processing technology. 

In her report " focus on nutrition and health, innovation and development of the food industry ", she pointed out that nutrition and health have become the international consensus on the development of food industry. With the continuous improvement of people's economic level, the increase of income and the development of urbanization process constantly promote the change of human dietary structure. The introduction of modern food processing concept, the development of modern food processing technology, from the nutrition, safety, convenience, delicious, affordable to explore a " standardized" development of the people's eating habits. The emphasis on nutrition, industrialization, regional characteristics and leisure become the important development trend of modern staple food. 

Heilongjiang province, known as " black earth ", is located in the world's three big black soil areas, is the world recognized rice planting, corn planting and livestock and poultry breeding gold belt. The yield of agricultural products such as rice, soybean, potato, sugar beet is the highest in the country. The agricultural products processing institute of the Chinese academy of agricultural sciences chose to establish the institute of processing technology of staple food in the institute of agricultural products processing. 

Dr Zhang Zhou Sumei, dr Zhang Zhang chunhui of the agricultural products processing research institute of the Chinese academy of agricultural sciences, dr Zhang Zhang chunhui and dr Zhang tan bin of the national academy of grain sciences, and dr Han zhi of Peking university, respectively, exchanged views on the development trend of the rice , the problems of staple food industrialization, and the progress of the processing technology of quantitative stewed meat products and the value-added path of . 

According to Zhou Sumei, the quality gap between domestic raw materials and foreign countries always exists, the quality of raw materials is not stable, what is the processing, consumer demand for grain quality is higher and higher, for Chinese rice varieties processing suitability evaluation for different products, establishment of suitable processing raw material evaluation standard system is very necessary, from the angle of processing to the breeding industry, from the source to solve the problem of high quality special varieties suitable for our traditional staple food processing. On the basis of introducing, digesting and absorbing the innovation, the technology and equipment suitable for the processing characteristics of rice staple food in China are developed.

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